Experience the Magic of Storytelling

An illustration of a young boy, sitting at his art table with pencil in hand, looking down at his drawings.

With a background in music, fine art and tattooing, Matthew brings a unique perspective to his writing, infusing his stories with vivid and striking imagery.

A illustration of a boy holding his flashlight, illuminating a dark room, found in Edsel Peck in The Rusted Empire.
A picture of, Sophia holding her cat, Matt's Daughter who played a roll in the illustrations seen in Matt's first book, Edsel Peck in The Rusted Empire.
An Illustration of a character found in, Edsel Peck in The Rusted Empire.

Matthew’s artistic influence has inspired his daughter, Sophia who has played a role in creating the interior illustrations you’ll find in Edsel Peck in The Rusted Empire, Matthew’s first publication.

The love for creativity runs in the family and there’s a lot more where that came from.

An Illustration of the main character found in, Edsel Peck in The Rusted Empire.

My Story So Far

As a New Jersey native, I was raised by educators in a home which held a deep appreciation for the arts.

Whether it was writing, drawing or blatant daydreaming, I was always encouraged to be creative and to give in to my growing imagination…