Relax. It's not what you think.
Hello, everybody. Hoping everyone is as swell as possible, as we wind up yet another rotation around the Sun.
While I'm waiting on the final edit of the second Edsel Peck book and the last touches on the audiobook version of The Rusted Empire which should be available later this month, I've dusted off the beginnings of a novel I started to write during the pandemic. As quickly as it started, it went on hold like everything else did in 2020.
That Place of Penance won't be one for the kiddos, hence the use of "adult material" in the blog's title. For those who don't read--think of it as TVMA. The idea for this book has come to me in molecular fragments over the past ten years and is finally becoming an organism. The skeleton of the story has been around for awhile, but as I write, it's growing muscle and mass. Selfishly, I'm very excited about this.
Fair warning: it's gonna be a heavy read.
Shooting to have the first draft done by my 48th birthday in July as it'll be a real workout to get this all on paper. For a believable read, I have a lot of research ahead of me. Wish me luck.
In case I can't find the time to squeeze out another blog before the year's end, I want to thank you all for your support.
This season is notorious for bringing out the best and worst in people. So please keep an eye on friends and family, as it can be a dark time for many people. No matter how much of an asshole the guy in front of you at the checkout is--think before you speak. Or refrain completely. Bring enough for the entire class, don't take any wooden nickels, and turn off your speakerphone. Embrace the gray in others and treat others the way you wish to be treated.
Happy Holidays. All my love.